Life is hard. Why not drop on by and squish enemies for cash?

Press the 'DOWN' key to roll your balls into the enemies, 'CLICK and DRAG' the mouse to make those balls bigger, press 'L' to speed up the spawn rate and press the 'ARROW KEYS' to move/jump. (There's also a secret mode for anyone who enjoys God Mode)

Prefer downloadable versions of games? There's one on my profile.

[Did I have time to make a game? Absolutely not.

Did I see the premise and get tempted to make one anyway? Absolutely.

Thanks so much for taking a peek! This arcade-style mini-game was rushed in 14 total hours from complete scratch, so there's no end goal other than to beat your own high score. I also forgot how reacts to expanding a game so the few things that still blurry are, uhh, totally on purpose...

If you gave it a try, I'd love to know your high scores in the comments!

I hope everyone's had a great jam. Jam on!]

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